FAQs & Forms
Please remember not all exercises are suitable for everyone. Please make sure you are free from injuries, and only exercise when feeling well. If you do have any injuries or conditions it is your responsibility to ensure you are medically cleared to participate in your chosen session(s) by your care professional. Please ensure you are adequately hydrated before and after your workout, and make sure you have adequate space and ventilation, as well as appropriate clothing and footwear.
Please contact me with any queries relating to classes.
If you are displaying any symptoms of, or suspect Covid infection, please refrain from attending in person sessions.
Before embarking on online classes, you will be required to fill in online waivers, and the standard medical screeners for all fitness classes. All information will be stored confidentially in accordance with GDPR guidelines. A copy of the forms required can be emailed direct to you and returned via email or post. Medical clearance may be required in some circumstances.