So, this morning I needed movement, a change of scenery and fresh air. Mr R was off kayaking. My knee felt a bit unstable, so I quickly ruled out a hill walk and opted instead for a local solo exploration.
Off I headed with my trusty rucksack (extra resistance and you never know what might happen!), a picnic (well, because that's half the pleasure 😂), a route map, and my camera....of course! I headed for St.Boswells and parked outside the hall that is my usual Monday and Friday venue pre Covid!
I turned left then right onto Hamilton Place then followed the waymarked route to the "shoogly brig". It was a very pleasant walk along the river, under the cover of trees and with lots of little boardwalks and wooden bridges.

After crossing the bridge I immediately veered to the left to visit The Temple of The Muses. I've been here before but it's still stunning to see. These statues have the most amazing views!

This next photo is probably my favourite one of the statues ❤️

I left the beautiful temple and headed towards the beautiful turreted house on the corner before heading uphill past the stunning gates to pay a visit to the William Wallace statue that had been peering at me from atop the hill. Again, I've been here before but the tree clearing since my last visit made the views even more outstanding!

William was as imposing as ever and I certainly enjoyed joining him in admiring the views.

I left WW and headed upwards passing the car park and then heading back downhill. I decided to go off route to find a lunch spot near the river and headed towards Dryburgh Abbey turning left onto the marked track where I followed it for a little bit before finding a lovely bum sized tree stump beside the river 😂. The perfect seating area for lunch with a view.

After lunch and only a tiny bit further along my new path, I spied a lovely wee dear in the field, I was able to watch the wee cutie for quite some time- this is my favourite part about walking- nature ❤️

I continued on a little further before once more being distracted. This time by three large birds squawking above (buzzards I think 2 of them were). Turned out one had just caught it's prey and the other two were hoping for an easy dinner ! Managed to snap one chasing the lucky hunter with its prey dangling precariously!

It was a lovely walk along the river flowing the track to Mertoun Bridge. Nice view of this bridge from above, beside and under as you follow this path and some lovely features along the way too.

After crossing the bridge and immediately turning right to descend the stairs to the Riverside path, I came across a lovely heron. Always find these birds fascinating and rather regal looking.

I followed the path all the way along, passing the golf course and heading uphill slightly before entering a small lane with magnificent views over the Eildons. I ignored the waymarker slightly further on and followed the path ahead as it looked interesting. It led me to a small close which in turn led back to the high street and then returned me to my car.

This was a lovely peaceful walk and clocked in about 6.5miles. I'm pleased I went off route as my original planned route was to return back the way I had came. I would've missed out on the deer, the buzzards and the heron! Sometimes a detour off plan is a blessing ❤️

What a fabulous looking walk, know some.of it well😊...always good for the soul.