Due to level 0 restrictions easing, I am now able to offer a few spaces in my Thursday morning 10am Zumba class in St Boswells. This is strictly BOOKING ONLY and will continue to use the test and protect system.
I am still proceeding cautiously and maintaining a 2m X 2m space for each class goer despite the new 1m requirements. Your safety is my top priority.
When entering you must wear masks, sanitise and remain 1m apart and bring minimal belongings in (e.g keys, water bottle and sweat towel now included). As always I will be cleaning all touch points in toilets, hall and foyer before and after sessions and windows and doors will remain open during the sessions with fans on to aid the ventilation.
IF things go well with the new extra numbers, this will allow me to introduce a few more to both Monday and Thursday sessions going forward.
If you'd like a space please message me and I can arrange to send the covid agreement out with all the details you need.
Please feel free to share locally.