Today was such a beautiful day, it would've been a waste not to take advantage and head out onto the hills.
So Mr R and I headed to Kirk Yetholm for the start of of todays glorious 8 miler.
Our first smile came from the gnomes. Well who wouldn't? Every type you could imagine, and hard to miss it...

Onward out the town turning left soon after to pass the wee cemetery and head towards the hills.

We passed a few buildings along this first wee section, crossing some streams in the glorious sunshine and then following the path along the bottom of Staerough Hill.

Heading across fields we started heading upwards. The climbs are a little steep but the views are spectacular and we were so lucky to have the beautiful clear blue skies and sunshine.

As the guidebook we were following described, these 3 hills were a bit of a rollercoaster with some steep climbs but carefully doable even with my slightly dodgy knee! We stopped on the descent of the last hill and had "lunch with the Latchly"s 😂 This was definitely a brew with a view!

Having descended the last hill, we spied the first waymarker right as we reached the bottom. The signpost for the Penine Way was slightly further ahead. We didn't go this far but instead turned left skirting round Latchly Hill on some slightly boggy ground and continued to follow the path.....

which led us to this beautiful ruin.

I love a wee nosey around a ruin, and this one was just so photogenic ♥️

We continued past following a burn and crossing a couple of small bridges, again encountering some brightness but nothing too major!
It led us through some farmland back onto a minor road.

There was some beautiful scenery even from these tracks

And then the sun started setting to produce some more beautiful colours

The road let us back down towards Kirk Yetholm and across the bridge to Town Yetholm to our car!

This walk came up at just over 8 miles on my tracker.

Think it'll go down as one of my favourites, have you got a favourite walk?
I'd definitely recommend it, and definitely think you enjoy it too 😃
Looks like a stunning view, may try it after having your review. Thankyou.